The Travis Roy Foundation is pleased to announce that we will be participating in the Giving Common Challenge, which will take place over the course of 36 hours, beginning at 8:00 a.m. on October 10th and extending to 8:00 p.m. on October 11th. Mark your calendars because we will need your help! We will be joining with more than 500 other nonprofits to raise money together and compete for prizes that range from $1,000 to $25,000. If we are one of the first 10 nonprofits to get 50 donors, we will win a $1,000 prize. If we raise more funds than other nonprofits, we have a chance to win a grand prize of $25,000!
The Giving Common is an innovative web-based technology platform that provides comprehensive and current information about nonprofit organizations across the Commonwealth—and makes online charitable giving easy and quick. It is an initiative of the Boston Foundation, Greater Boston’s community foundation, in collaboration with our area’s nonprofits.
How can you help? Mark your calendar for October 10th and 11th to get up and give! If you cannot afford to give, spread the news about how our work has influenced you to motivate your friends to give.
For more info on The Giving Common